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West African Okro Soup with Fufu

Okro, called okra in the US, is a rich source of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins and a low calorie vegetable.

Egusi stew Ghana
West African Okro Soup

Okro Soup

Section 1: Ingredients

Include everything your reader needs to make this recipe perfectly, with measurements, optional additions, or alternatives. For example:

  • 20 oz. of okra, fresh or defrosted - cut into pieces

  • 1/2 lb. beef steak, cut into pieces

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/2 of onion, chopped

  • 1/2 tsp salt, table to taste

  • 6 cups water

  • 1/8 cup palm oil

  • 1 bouillion chicken stock about 10g each, Maggi, Knorr or other brand

  • 3 tbsp (6 - 8) dashes of Maggi seasoning sauce

  • 1 dash of red pepper to taste


3 cups farina or yam (like potatoes) or garri (cassava grain) flour

6 cups water

Section 2: Instructions

  1. Season beef with onion, garlic & salt in 4-6 quart pot.

  2. Add water, bring to a boil and cook on medium heat for 40 minutes.

  3. Add oil, Maggi cubes, Maggi seasoning sauce, and red pepper.

  4. Boil on medium heat about 12 minutes.

  5. Stir in okra and boil on medium heat about 10 minutes.

  6. Serve hot.

Make the Fufu:

  1. Boil water then reduce heat and stir in farina (or yam or garri) flour.

  2. Stir constantly 2 minutes adding water as needed. Should become stiff like mashed potatoes.

  3. Scoop onto a wet plate with wet wooden spoon.

  4. Shape into a large ball for each person- smaller for children.

  5. Eat by dipping fufu into soup with fingers or fork.

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